

Doug Facts…

He’s called Doug because that is how you pronounce ‘Dog’ in Scottish.


Doug, Stinky Pete, Mr Stink (if he’s been rolling in fox shit), Mr Wuffles, Wuffles,

Douglas Dickson, if he’s left a dog egg on the kitchen floor, which he doesn’t do that often.

Star Sign:

Scorpio, Birthday 30/10/11 so he’s just turned 10 years old.


Licking other dogs faces, even if they are unfriendly and want to bite his face off.

Dropping a ball in the hole when you’re digging in the garden.

Chasing cats squirrels and pigeons.

Sleeping on my oldest sons bed at home (he’s away at Uni in Bristol).

Sunday Lunch.


Sunday Lunch and any non tinned meat, especially chicken.

Smackos (not heroin btw).

Favourite Films:

Absolutely no interest in TV I’m afraid, but would enjoy seeing a small animal ripped limb from limb by a larger animal.

Or 'Dog Day Afternoon' if you really need an answer, he’s not a morning person and never gets up before mid day.

Best Friends:

My daughter Hannah insists she's Doug's best friend. His other best friends are;

Geoffrey the crazy Welch Springer Spaniel

Teddy the Labrador Patterdale Cross.

Any Puppys

And he was in sexy love with Sadies dog Dennis (RIP) who Doug tried to mount every time Dennis was in the room. This never happened with any other dog.

Anyone who would throw a ball for him.


He just likes all the family to be around and he loves the roast dinner. He loves family walks with everyone there.

Although he’ll be sad this year because he’s at ‘Granny’s’ for 3 weeks because the rest of us are going to Thailand (Covid permitting).


Also he featured as a girl dog Sophie in my as yet unpublished children's book…

Stilton Takes A Swim…


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