Astrology with Jo Mama

Astrology with Jo Mama

Well, hello there!

I’m pleased as punch to summarise about the Summer star sign Leo. Why? Because Leos are as warm as the sun and as brave as a lion and they make natural leaders. They are determined and full of self confidence. They are impressive in the boardroom and the in bedroom.

Let’s look at six successful Leos ...

  1. Magic Johnson – an Olympic Gold medal winner who went on to become an influential businessman

  2. Halle Berry – the only woman of colour to win an Academy award for best actress.

  3. Jenifer Lopez – the first Latin actress to earn a million dollars and a singer who has sold over 70 million records.

  4. Meghan Markle  – the American actress who became a princess in the U.K

  5. Barack Obama – the first Democratic president since Roosevelt to win the majority of the popular vote twice.

  6. Kylie Jenner – the reality TV star who was the youngest person ever to become a billionaire.   

The signs Leos are most compatible with are Sagittarius and Aries. All three signs are known for being passionate and confident. A lot of famous film directors are Leo (Alfred Hitchcock, Roman Polanski, John Landis, John Huston, Cecil BDeMill, Blake Edwards etc.) Madonna’s sign is Leo. She co-wrote most of her big hits including; Get Into The Groove, Like A Prayer,  Vogue. The only big hit she wrote entirely by herself is Lucky Star. I like her straightforward lyrics; “You must be my lucky star ‘Cause you shine on me wherever you are”  I don’t think Madonna is the best lyricist, singer or dancer yet somehow her Leo qualities made her a genuine (lucky) star. Shine on Madonna and all the other lucky Leo stars. Thank you for reminding us hard work and self determination pay off.

The movements of Jupiter (the planet of good tidings) makes me smugly confident Leos are going to enjoy good health and will feel fit and strong all year long. Aren't they lucky?

See you in the stars,  

Jo Mama

Illustration © Leonie Woods 2020

Emily Capell

Emily Capell

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