Le Document — Issue Eleven

Le Document — Issue Eleven

It has finally happened, Donald Trump has been kicked out of office and we at the Le Document office salute the American people with both hands. It has been a tough battle but sense has prevailed. Harry did point out that 70 million people voted for Trump but less than 7 million subscribe to Le Document but nothing is permanent except change. At the next US election everything could be reversed? Here at Le Document we just make the website we’d like to look at and are amused at the slow but steady increase in our readership.

One thing we did want to share with you is the progress of one of our early Photo of the Month contributors, Antonia Luxem. She is currently trying to raise funds to complete a film project. Harry and I think it’s an incredibly worthy cause and encourage people to help Antonia in what ever way they can, here is her letter:

Dearest friends and family,

It’s almost the end of the year and I wonder where 2020 has gone. Last New Year’s Eve seems like it just happened, and at the same time, feels so very far away… We are now living in a completely different world. Personally, this strange year has given me much time and space for researching, writing and building new work.

Last year, I was accepted on the Film London Artists’ Moving Image Network (FLAMIN) Fellowship scheme, which provides opportunities for emerging filmmakers like me to create new work. I’ve been very grateful for this, as it has given me the headspace and tools to develop a new artist film surrounded by a wonderful team of people – a dream for any artist.

The film I have been working on, Dreaming X, is about the dreamlike journey of a woman through a mysterious and dark universe, on which she encounters a series of characters who question and ultimately change her. I’m really excited about it and can’t wait to start the filming process in mid-January, if all goes well.

It has been a long and hard-fought year of endless funding applications and team-building. But I am extremely happy to say that I have managed to raise about 70% of the budget through grants from FLAMIN and Arts Council England. In order to release the Arts Council grant, as well as to reach the total budget needed to produce the film, I now need to raise a final sum of £ 9,000. 

For this, I have started a crowdfunding campaign. If you click on this link, you can access all of the details and, if you so wish, pledge in support of my work. It would mean the world if you take a look, and share it around you.

I really hope to see and hear from many of you soon again!

With thanks, and lots of love from London,

Antonia Luxem



Thank you once again to all our contributors and you the reader for all your support.

We will get better and better.

Stay safe, love from Harry and Chris

Cover image Coat hanger by Chris Tosic

web: www.christosic.com
instagram: @chris_tosic

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer