Astrology with Jo Mama

Astrology with Jo Mama

Well, Hello there, hope you've been staying safe. Let's be brave and talk about the 'C' word.

Many of us can't forget seeing certain movie moments involving actors born under the sign of Cancer. Once seen, Tom Cruise dancing in Risky Business is unforgettable, as is Kevin Bacon dancing in Footloose, or Meryl Streep dancing in Mama Mia. For some reason although others are dancing better in the films I've mentioned it's the Cancer actors who grab our attention. I think it's because these people are somehow not born to boogie but they are giving it their best shot — or maybe over doing it a bit? One imagines they are sensitive people who don't like crowds and want to retreat inside their shells yet don't want to let the side down or worry that they'll be seen as bores if they don't get on the dancefloor.

The classic personality trait of someone born between the 20th of June and the 22nd of July is wanting to look after someone else. So, as children they will find an abandoned puppy with health problems and insist it comes to live with the family. Cancer people will go on about how this puppy needs help etc. and they kind of over do it and make others feel guilty for not being as caring and compassionate as they are.

Cancers are loyal. Tom Cruise is very loyal to Scientology, Kevin Bacon is very loyal to his less famous brother and Lindsay Lohan is one of the few actors who, even now, still remains loyal to Harvey Weinstine .

Some believe the reason Cancers make good parents, good actors and good nurses because of the way they think about how others feel and have a lot of compassion. Meryl Streep has said the reason she is good at getting accents right is simply that she listens. People with the Cancer sign are great listeners and they are keen to work out how others tick.

It's a curious fact that there aren't any famous serial killers who's sign is Cancer. It appears most murderers tend to be; Pieces, Gemini or Sagittarius but not Cancer. That said Cancers aren't perfect. If you go on You Tube and search for "Tom Cruise + anger" you'll see some very shocking examples of someone losing it big time and being rather scary. Obviously we all lose our rag once in a while but with Cancers, because of their connection with moon phases, suddenly switch. Their big problem is that they have this weird desire to be seen as wholesome and lovely and perfect. When the mask slips, which it does in the Cruise interviews, things suddenly get very ugly. The last 3 years have been tough on Cancers because of Saturn. The good news is Saturn wont return for decades so, in a short while, Cancers can breath more easily. If you're a Cancer who is single I suggest you try and find another Cancer who is single. I think some single Cancers will be giving it a go with those whose sign is Taurus. I think these relationships will go well. The sign Cancers need to stay away from is Aries as, mark my words, it will all end it tears. 

This is Jo Mama signing out. Until next time ... See you in the stars!

Illustration © Leonie Woods 2020

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