The Daily Lyric

The Daily Lyric

The other morning I went to collect the Le Document mail and from the post bag and among the usual rubbish we receive I noticed, with curiosity, this A5 brown envelope addressed to me from Nat Forman (I knew it was from Nat because he had written his name in large felt-tip marker pen across the back of the envelope.)

Once I had opened the envelope, I discovered an A3 folded document with a paper wrap around. What I held in my hands was a colour photocopy of a hand written newspaper based on popular music lyrics to express different sections of a newspaper ranging from the arts page to the opinion to the TV listings.

Here is an excerpt from the cover letter from Nat:

Some time ago, I thought of making a hand-written newspaper, whose text is entirely comprised of words from songs. But there were so many reasons not to make it, I made a list:

  1. It's a stupid and pointless idea

  2. I can never predict how much space my hand lettering will take up, so it’s impossible to know exactly how many songs you can fit on a page.

  3. Whatever songs I included, I knew it was very likely I would immediately think of a better one, or, even worse, whoever read it would.

  4. It's a stupid and pointless idea

But I went ahead and made it anyway, in early April this year. The original texts are hand written on A3 sheets of card, held together with brown linen cloth tape.

I had always thought of printing a "trade edition", and so in late June, I printed 5 copies, of which I have only sent out 3. The band around the paper shows attempts to design a logo for The Daily Lyric. it is meant to look like a lyre, but frankly I think they look more like hairy onions, so I rejected for it inclusion in the paper.  I noticed a lot of mistakes in the text, and made an Errata list, which I planned to write out by hand. But the likelihood of making further mistakes meant that so far I have only typed it out – the only printed copy of it to date is also enclosed in the envelope.

So there you have it. I’ve taken a few photos so you can get a sense of the paper looks like. Here in the Le Document office, we love it and I hope you do too. It’s a real labour of love and I hope we see another issue at some stage in the future.

If you want any further info on the paper, please contact Nat here.


Le Document was founded in November 2019 by the artists Harry Pye and Chris Tosic. Le Document is the magazine for fantastic people. Please add your email and subscribe for free via the sign up button below.

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