

Florence Tosic (age 10yrs) asks the Questions, Maisie gives the Answers (via her owner Linda) …

FT How old is Maisie?

LC Maisie is 7 years old. Her birthday is on 5 November.

FT What is Maisie’s favourite TV show?

LC Peppa Pig.


FT Who does Maisie vote for in a general election?

LC Anyone that stops cruelty to animals.

FT What’s her favourite meal?

LC Anything with chicken in.


FT What’s her favourite colour?

LC Purple

FT What football team does Maisie support?

LC Barking Town

FT What breed of dog is Maisie?

LC Shihtzu

FT Any annoying habits?

LC Can be stubborn and thinks anything I am eating is for her as well.

FT Any special skills?


LC Barking.

FT Any brothers or sisters?

LC Yes, but not sure how many.

FT Does Maisie have a favourite park?

LC Highams Park.

FT Do you like the Beatles — if so, which is your favourite song?

LC Yes, she likes the Beatles and Strawberry Fields is her favourite song.

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