I am the law — Judge Dredd

I am the law — Judge Dredd

F. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." Most people can see different points of view and most people believe that it's a good thing to have some guilt and self doubt about the decisions and judgements we make. Of course, Judge Dredd, is not most people and that's why we love him. His creators wanted him to be as much as a villain as a hero and someone who has no regrets. Dredd loved the fact that everyone is a potential criminal and that no one can escape justice.

We first became aware of him in 1977. His adventures, set more than 100 years in the future, appeared in a comic aimed at "thrill seekers" called, 2000AD.

Images of Dredd appeared on pinball machines, tribute songs by The Human League and members of Madness were released, a Hollywood film was made about his adventures and he also appeared on this splendid badge.

Judge Dredd said:

"Democracy is a cancer eating at the heart of our society. Any action we have to take to stamp it out — however regrettable — is justified."

Do we at Le Document share his views? No, but we accept that Judge Dredd is the law and we are the crime.

Le Document — Issue Fourteen

Le Document — Issue Fourteen

André the Bear

André the Bear